Veteran-owned and operated. Fully insured.

Precision Painting and Property Services

About Us

Precision Painting and Property Services

Veteran-owned and operated. Fully insured. Interior, exterior painting and home services. Free estimates.

Transform your space with confidence. Our veteran-owned and operated team offers fully insured interior and exterior painting services, and we're ready to provide free estimates for your next project.

Dave LaPanne

Veteran & Owner
What We Offer

We Paint Your Dreams



We offer professional commercial exterior and interior painting services to transform your location with fresh, vibrant colors. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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We offer exceptional residential exterior and interior painting services to bring your ideas to life in your home. Contact us today to schedule a call and make your vision a reality.

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We offer light construction services for all types of properties. Our skilled team provides remodeling, repair, and renovation services. Let us take on your entire project, contact us today.

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Best Skills

See Why We're the Best Choice for You

We have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing you with the best possible service

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Interior Painting

Residential Painting

Interior Painting

Residential Painting

Interior Painting

Residential Painting

Deck Painting

Exterior Painting

Deck Painting

Exterior Painting

Know About Us

A team of experienced and licensed painters

We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible painting experience. We use high-quality paints and materials, and we take the time to prepare each surface properly before we begin painting. We also offer a wide range of painting services to meet your needs, from interior and exterior painting to staining and refinishing.

PDCA Certified Member.

Flexible Schedule Options.

Eco Friendly & Clean Work.

Know About Us

A team of experienced and licensed painters

We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible painting experience. We use high-quality paints and materials, and we take the time to prepare each surface properly before we begin painting. We also offer a wide range of painting services to meet your needs, from interior and exterior painting to staining and refinishing.

PDCA Certified Member.

Flexible Schedule Options.

Eco Friendly & Clean Work.


What Our Clients Say


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Joss Butler

Web Developer

On the other hand denoune with righteou indignat and dislike menar so beguiled demoralized echarms of pleasure of the moment so blinded by desire that systems

Khan Mohammad

Senior Developer

On the other hand denoune with righteou indignat and dislike menar so beguiled demoralized echarms of pleasure of the moment so blinded by desire that systems

Son Tait

Motion Expart

On the other hand denoune with righteou indignat and dislike menar so beguiled demoralized echarms of pleasure of the moment so blinded by desire that systems

Cory Anderson

CEO & Founder

On the other hand denoune with righteou indignat and dislike menar so beguiled demoralized echarms of pleasure of the moment so blinded by desire that systems

Mark Wood

Envato Author
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    Have a question or need a quote? Contact us today.

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